most successful album of
all time - Once. The band
has followed the course
of which they’ve already
started their previous
album. But in this al-
bum they led it to per-
fection also thanks to the
London Symphonic Or-
chestra which is used on
most of the songs. They
open up a completely new
format to their work with
this album. The album con-
tains mostly the hits of the
band like “Nemo”, “Planet
Hell”, “Wish I Had An An-
gel”, “Dark Chest of Won-
ders”, “Romaticide” or the
masterpiece “Ghost Love
Score”. All the above men-
tioned can be found with
minor breaks in the con-
cert set list of the band to
this day.
After the withdrawal of
Mark Jensen, After For-
ever are chaniging their
philosophy in their song
creation. The Floor be-
comes the main writer and
under her leadership, there
comes a fourth studio al-
bum Invisible Circles. With
that, the band opens them-
selves more to the sym-
phonic side of music and
puts more Gothic influence
into their music.