The Voice replied , “ Indeed , you cannot imagine what it is like not to give , because you have been nurtured by a Balance in the forest . You have been nurtured by Nature . Giving is an essence of Nature . Yet , as you have children , they may cause the forest to change , which may cause the Balance to break . When this happens , everything will change . But remember , Ebrahim and Sarah , inscribe in the hearts of your children the Law of the Eternal Pool . Inscribe in their hearts that everything must Flow through them at all times . Inscribe in their hearts that each time they give , no matter how little or how much , they are keeping the Flow of the Eternal Pool going . Inscribe in their hearts that no matter how much they receive from the Eternal Pool , they must always give part of it back . In this way the cycle will always be complete . If they were to receive ten fruits , they should give back at least one fruit , for the Flow must always prevail .” Ebrahim and Sarah asked together , “ How can our children give back to the Pool ?” The Voice replied , “ By giving to each other , by helping those in need , by caring for the Earth and all its creatures , by caring for the sky and all its creatures , by caring for the water and all its creatures . Remember , the Eternal Pool flows through all Creation . They may draw from it all they need , for it is limitless . But they must obey the Law of Flow . Teach them that they must give back at least one fruit from every ten fruits they receive . Those that do not do this will fall by the wayside , for their Balance will be broken . The Pool will give you all wealth , love , happiness , skills and everything else that you need . Remember that it is Eternal and it is Limitless . Look at these seven trees . They take and they give ! Look at them — do they not touch the sky ? Well , Ebrahim and Sarah , so can you !”
The two beautiful children had learned much from the Eternal Pool . As they walked away , they thought about the seven tall trees . They thought about their tightly intertwined roots , which were both Seen and Unseen . Their stems , which could be Seen so clearly , touched the sky . There were so many symbols that were embodied in these seven trees . Ebrahim and Sarah now understood how nature provided for all their needs . They had been a part of the Flow of this Pool each and every day of their lives . For the first time ever , they were faced with the prospect of thinking about their Future Abundance . . . .
Excerpt from ‘ Parables from the ORIGIN ’ by Dr . Amyn Dahya