Although it is difficult to define what constitutes excessiveness in love , characterizing love as “ too much ” implies that some damage has been done-either to the lover or the beloved . When intense love blinds our sight and makes us act improperly , people may say that such intense love is too much . A remark such as , “ I couldn ’ t help it , I was madly in love with him ,” in dicates that sometimes love can be excessive . Profound romantic love is not in its nature excessivelywrong ; but some cases of such love have a greater chance of being so . I suggest you talk things through with a councellor .
- Aunty Di
I have no motivation to live
Dear Aunty Di I have been feeling sad , lack motivation , and interest . I just want to watch tv all day except when I have to go to work . I have tons of things I need to get done in life , but I just sit on my couch and put it off . What can I do to get that excitement for life back and to stop this procrastination ? Thank you .
- Sarah
Dear Sarah You are aware that there are things to be done in your life but instead you procrastinate , act as if you don ’ t notice them or fear to start working on them . The state you are currently in is not loss of motivation or lack of energy but it ’ s a state of loss of hope . When we lose hope in reaching what we want we don ’ t find enough motive to act . After all motivation comes from believing that taking certain actions will lead to certain desired outcomes but if the hope in findingthe desired outcome was lost then motivation is replaced with feeling of helplessness . I want you now to visualize the following situation while keeping your eyes closed . Imagine that you are living the final year of your life . 20 , 40 or 60 years may have passed and you are still the same person , you have the same problems and still in the same place . Is this how you want your life to be ? How do you feel after wasting your whole life without taking actions ? Do you want to end up being a desperate and a depressed old person who cries whenever he remembers his past ? Is this the ending that you want for your life ? Fortunately you don ’ t haveto wait for real bad events in order to motivate yourself but instead you can use visualization with good things that you can do to make your life better .