A problem shared is a problem halved :
Unemployed for 9 months
Dear Aunty Di , I have been through three jobs in just one year . The first I quit because I did not receive the hours they ’ d promised to me . The was a 3 month temp job . The other I was fired for data entry “ errors ”. Problem is , with such short periods of work in addition to a termination , I feel it is working against me securing new employment . And I don ’ t know what answer to give when asked why I left my last job . Please , please help with any answers you might have . I have been out of work for 8 months now and my benfits won ’ t last forever ! - Jane
If you need relationship , dating or love advice or struggling financially or simply soul searching and need some motivation , write in to Aunty Di . She is an expert psychologist who also has her own show on Radio Rauch and she will respond with loving care and practical advice .
Email Aunty Di with your dillema at auntydi @ yahoo . co . uk
Dear Jane , Sorry to hear you ’ ve had difficulty finding work . It ’ s important that you find yourself some employment as quickly as possible . It would be particularly helpful if you found yourself something , perhaps voluntary or perhapsshort-term , so you ’ d have updated references and some constructive way of occupying your time and proving that you want to work and have skills to offer . Helping out on a community project , a charity or hospice , would stand you in good stead even if it were part-time . You might even consider working overseas for the experience if that would suit your circumstances and temperament . Enter “ working abroad ” or “ volunteer work abroad ” in a search engine - and beware !