Pulse Legacy Archive November 2011 | Page 10

PULSE November2011 VOLUME 21 ■ ISSUE 9 32 Gearing Up for Growth Turning the Creative Wheel to Expand Team Skill and Market Share B Y M A R K C R AW F O R D 24 Conversations: Life is good 24 Chief Executive Optimist Bert Jacobs B Y M A E M A Ñ AC A P - J O H N S O N 26 40 Nurturing Customer Loyalty BY SHELBY JONES The Wellness Equation Spa + Integrative Medicine = Health and Business Opportunities B Y M A E M A Ñ AC A P - J O H N S O N 68 Ask the Expert: Recruitment Expert Mel Kleiman BY LEANN HAMM 8 PULSE ■ November 2011 26