Pulse Legacy Archive January / February 2012 | Page 38

TONY HSIEH : The Culture that Fuels the Happiness Bus

CEO of Zappos . com Tony Hsieh was not at all shy about sharing the secret to the company ’ s wild success : Excellent customer service . Scratch that . Accessible , responsive , positive , memorable customer service . At the heart of the Zappos business acumen is that customer service is not just a department in the company , it is the company . That principle , coupled with a well-defined set of core values intended to inspire passion and purpose are what drive the retail and their expanding business services division .

“ Commit to transparency .”

— Tony Hsieh
Through his book Delivering Happiness , Hsieh fused his own vast business experience ( he sold LinkExchange to Microsoft in 1998 for $ 265 million ) with the science of happiness , which eventually became a bus tour and is now what he and his team of “ ninjas ” call a movement .
For Hsieh , it ’ s not about the shoes . The Zappos business model is built on the three C ’ s : Culture , Customer Service and Clothing . Their culture is based on creating an environment that inspires passion and purpose and is driven by their # 1 core value of delivering WOW through service — going above and beyond what is expected and delivering a customer experience that is excellent and memorable . At the heart of it is the customer ’ s experience — from the online shopping experience , to receiving the order , to making returns . Clothing is the third and bottom tier of the pyramid .
Zappos is solely an online retail store yet takes a hightouch approach to the customer experience and builds a personal , emotional connection with their customers through
their call center . Each interaction with the person at the other end of the retail sale is an opportunity to build a relationship . Brand loyalty comes naturally . Just think about the exciting implications that has for the spa industry . Not only can your spa build a personal connection with each and every client that walks through your doors , but the healing power of touch is at the very forefront of what you do .
Finally , Hsieh rounded out his presentation by mentioning a fourth “ C ” that the company is intent on adding to their business pyramid : Community . Through community support and instilling employees with sense of a stewardship of local businesses and outreach programs , Zappos is taking that inspiring passion and purpose one step further . Whether you run a boutique day spa or manage a resort property , this third C is imperative in developing that holistic connection with your clients . ■
Author of Complete Idiot ’ s Guide to Girlfriend Getaways , LISA KASANICKY is also the creator of AZspagirls . com — a girlfriend-to-girlfriend guide that speaks to a new generation of spa and beauty enthusiasts . With a writing career that spans more than 20 years , Kasanicky also appears regularly on ABC ’ s Sonoran Living in Metro Phoenix . She is also the co-founder of Summer Spaaah Series , events that tour spas across Arizona .
Want full access to Tony Hsieh ’ s General Session PowerPoint presentation ? Visit digital Pulse on experienceispa . com .


Tribal Leadership
The 4-Hour Work Week
The Happiness Hypothesis
36 PULSE ■ January / February 2012