Pulse Legacy Archive January / February 2012 | Page 37
Build the Ark and They Will Come
aith Popcorn may very
well have put the fire in
“spitfire.” Known
among her flock as the
“Trend Oracle,” author and
speaker Faith Popcorn of Faith
Popcorn’s BrainReserve
graced the stage as the
second keynote speaker with
a fire in her eye, a sparkle in
That is, instead of thinking of people as consumers, ark companies see them as humans seeking substance over
superficiality. Consumers consume brands; humans connect with brands.
In the spa industry, that equates to connecting with a client on a level
that instills a compulsion to return because of the strong human connection that has been made during their visit – whether through a
transformational treatment or a simple sense of safety.
People connect with brands that care. In a
society fraught with insecurity, economic turmoil, loneliness and erosion
of a sense of community, spas can be that safe haven. If, that is, they
instill that connection through a genuine sense of understanding,
support, healing through touch and caring for each individual.
While 65 percent of the population distrusts the
ethics of big corporations, we still look to them for leadership. The theory
is this: People are fully aware that they can’t save the world alone, so
they seek out companies that are using their status to do something
good. People are leaning toward companies that are transparent and not
just supporting causes, but actively engaged in solving problems. An
obvious example in our industry is being stewards of the earth and
water through environmentally responsible practices.
With a growing population of educated, professional women across the globe, companies that cultivate an environment
conducive to the needs of women and families will have a higher survival rate. Spas by nature are nurturing and “maternal” and by allowing
female virtues to permeate your business culture, your spa will resonate
not only with female clients but also with staff members.
People tend to gravitate toward companies that
convey a fearless conviction to their core values and passion for their
product (think Apple and Ben & Jerry’s). Spas that embrace untraditional
thinking and collaboration with like-minded business will rise to the top.
her hair and a message that at first, had the audience sitting
up a little straighter in their chairs. No flinging discs this time.
Popcorn opened her presentation with a grim prediction:
“The flood is coming.” Metaphorically, people are looking for
a dry, safe spot that they can land—caring trustworthy
lifeboats that
Popcorn defined
as ark companies.
At the core of
Faith Popcorn’s
—Faith Popcorn
message was that
the spa industry is
perfectly positioned to be a lifeboat in the trouble waters of
our current culture and economic forecast. Her final thought
she left us with: “Sail or fail.”
“Brilliant ideas come
from your heart and gut,
not focus groups.”
Want full access to Faith Popcorns’ General Session
PowerPoint presentation? Visit digital Pulse on
Points to Ponder:
BERT JACOBS’ use of the ultimate disc drew a correlation
between the power of play and being open to
creative, new ways of thinking. What playful tools
or games do you integrate into your spa to inspire creativity
in your staff and clients?
FAITH POPCORN pointed out that feminine values are
an important aspect to responding to cultural
change. How do you define feminine values and how do
balance those with classic masculine virtues in your spa’s
TONY HSIEH contributes much of the success of
Zappos.com’s success to a careful and attentive customer service focus. Have you made any
recent changes in your spa’s consumer service policies that
enhance your clients’ experience?
January/February 2012