Pulse 7/15-7/28/2018 | Page 4



Valerie Gregorio, Reporter

Politics: Chinese President Xi would visit Africa to ensure the country is still tie to the continent. Xi and other Chinese leaders would visit African early and often due to the resources they provide for them.

Economics: China struggles with weakened investment, increased government defaults, and household consumption after years of easy credit. Citizens still believe that the central government of China can still keep the economy from going into another recession.

Culture: Many universities in China incorporated “Xi Thought” into their mandatory ideology classes. The purpose of this is to have students learn how to think like the Chinese President more.


Fatima Yousuf, Editor in Chief

Economy - Iran has reported that they will back out of the landmark 2015 nuclear deal if there is no economic benefit to them. In the nuclear deal, Iran agreed to limit its nuclear program in exchange for relief from sanctions that crippled their economy. However, many major banks still refuse to do business with Iran, compelling the Iranian government to back out of the deal.

Political - Following Sufi riots against the Iranian government, 300 protesters had been arrested in northern Tehran and five security officers had been killed. The rioters had gathered in order to protest the detainment of Sufis in Iranian jails, and demand their release.

Culture - Islamic hardliners have been criticizing the construction of Ali-e-Asr mosque in Tehran for its simple modern design that does not utilize the traditional structures of domes and mosques. Critics of the mosque contend that its construction is a secular onslaught of the Islamic traditions and culture.


Valerie Wu, Reporter

Politics: South Korea’s parliament recently passed a bill limiting the maximum workweek from 68 hours to 52. The motion is designed to improve both the country’s quality of life and reproduction rate.

Economics: After an economic downturn early this year, South Korea struggles to adopt regulatory policy. Many of the country’s youth are turning to the virtual investment spending of online money—cryptocurrencies—as a result.

Culture: After the successful participation of North Korean athletes in the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics, South Korea says it will send a special envoy to North Korea in an effort to maintain inter-Korean dialogue.