Since our bodies are made out of on average 60% water, water is a vital component in it. Water is needed in most bodily functions and in order to maintain a healthy life in general. First of all, water allows the bloodstream in our circulatory system to easily flow through blood vessels. It in fact hydrates every cell in our body improving its function. in addition, it helps eliminate byproducts of the body’s metabolism. it also, on a regular basis regulates body temperature through sweating. Water also helps in the digestion of solid foods and highly prevents and cures constipation. It also has the biggest effect on the skin as it moisturizes it and makes an individual look hydrated and healthy through brightening his skin. Water also acts as a lubricant in between joints. It carries nutrients and the most important element in our body which is oxygen. Finally, not only does water aid in all the previously mentioned things, it acts as a “shock-absorber” in bodily areas such as the eyes, spinal cord and “the amniotic sac” that is present in the uterus surrounding a baby during pregnancy. Water detoxifies the body and removes any developing toxins that might hinder an individual’s health or cause an accumulation of unwanted things in our body.
An average individual should get at least 8 cups of water a day. If this amount is not reached, several complications might take place over time. The lack of fluids in one’s body might lead to increasing the risk of developing kidney stones(which are very painful). Also, a blockage/infections in the urinary tract of women. In severe cases might lead to dehydration and poor physical and mental performance. Some of the symptoms of dehydration might be thirst, headaches, dry lips, dark colored urine, shifts in moods and slow responses. In extreme cases of dehydration, complete weakness, confusion and the development of hallucinations might take place as well. Therefore, it’s quite vital for an individual to stay hydrated and drink the amount of water needed for his body to function properly. In fact, some people might require having a higher intake of water such as those who are on a high protein diet, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers (helps in the milk production), sick people who are physically suffering from diarrhea or constipation (they often lose most of the fluids in their body) and those who are regularly put in hot environments or are physically active on a daily basis. These people require a lot more intake of water in order to maintain a healthy body thus a healthy life.
A cure for almost EVERYTHING...
By: Farida Heiba