Publication Magazine Volume 2 Genderation | Page 8

Cult TV show LOV E I S L A N D MANIA Hat’s Chase I C Y B LO N D E S 2017 WHAT EQUIPMENT DO I NEED You don’t absolutely need any tools to start blogging, but this is what Irecommend for a beginner: A basic camera. You can use any dig- ital camera, a DSLR, or your iPhone. Some bloggers even use their phone’s camera. Photoshop or a free alternative. 2 01 7 M OST TALKED ABOUT Whether you need to see real-life swatches of lipstickseview of the latest Korean skin care craze, many beauty addicts Politicient Enicieant WO M E N ’ S M A RC H can get a site up and running for only $2.95 a month. Use the domain checker below to sign up and get the discount. The first thing you need to do is find a webhost. The most popular one is Blue- Host, which I recom- mend going with. They offer cheap hosting and a free domain name. Editing your photos will make them look profes- sional no matter what camera you use. Natural light. You don’t need photography equipment when starting out. Natural light is the best light to shoot in. You can always buy studio lighting along the way. Once you figure out the topic of your future blog, you’re ready for one of my favorite parts: picking a domain name! Start thinking of a potential domain name by brainstorming and expanding on your sub- ject. Your domain name should be memorable and brandable above all. Enter your ideas below to check if they’re available. In addition to a free domain, Bluehost is now offering my readers a 25% discount on hosting, which means that you