W elcome to the first edition of Spectator
Health, our new quarterly supplement de-
signed especially for people who might never normally consider picking
up a health magazine. This is for readers who want to know what they
can get away with, rather than what they should be doing to stay fit and
healthy. While as a nation we might be living longer, we want to help you
live better, too.
But it’s not always easy to know what you should and
shouldn’t be doing. We are bombarded by doctors and scientists giving
us contradictory advice — eat this, don’t do that — so it’s difficult to
know what to believe and what to ignore. We aim to cut through the
confusion and give you clear, sensible and reliable information from
writers and experts that you can trust.
We want it to be entertaining and informative, at times
tures and regular columns on a wide range of health-related topics. Tom
Chivers debunks some of those common medical myths, while Theodore
Dalrymple gives us his unique take on pressing health issues. Leading
HUSTLERS who taught
me how to do it. They
gave me a hustler’s
nutritionist Ian Marber tells us what to eat, while Maureen Lipman gives
her quirky and light-hearted thoughts on health as a layperson and full-
AMBITION Not a bad
thing to get from your
parents. But HUSTLING
time hypochondriac. We also have features on where in the world to get only gets you so far
the most common elective procedures done, HRT and foods that have BURST.
I hope you enjoy this
first issue and do let us know if
there are any topics you’d like
to see covered in the future.
been proven to help prevent diabetes.
contrary, but above all useful. Inside you’ll find a mixture of news, fea-