Publication Magazine Volume 2 Effortless | Page 7

2. Watch What You Eat. 4. Be Kind To Your Nails. This does not mean going on a restrictive diet. Instead, make sure you are getting enough protein and water, and pay attention to when you eat during the day. Adequate protein helps with hair growth (and helps prevent hair loss), so aim for at least 20 grams of protein each day (this is the equivalent of two Greek yogurts or at least one protein bar). Drinking enough water will not only help with overall health through hydration but also detoxify your system from the caffeine on which almost all busy women rely. And when you eat can be important: to avoid insulin spikes late in the day and minimize the weight gain that accompanies hormonal changes at midlife, try not to eat after 8 p.m. Our nails get more dry and brittle as we age. Pamper yourself by massaging a little petroleum jelly (such as Vaseline or Aquaphor ointment) into the cuticles at night, and consider a hand sanitizer instead of soap and water for ev­ery other time you wash your hands. Believe it or not, those sani­tizers are gentler on your skin than regular soap and water. And never do the dishes bare handed the use of liquid dish detergent with bare hands is a leading cause of hand eczema and dermatitis. 3. Moisturize. As we age, our oil glands shrink, so our skin naturally becomes more dry. The best time to moisturize is immediately after a shower. Too busy to slat her on the cream? Consider a mosturizin shower rinse. Neutrona,Dove, and Eucerin make excellent products that are friendly to even the most sensitive skin. 5. Treat Your Legs With Care. Exercise, walking, and standing for extended periods are all normal activities for most women at midl ife. With time, however, these activities can lead to swelling of the lower legs and even spider and varicose veins. Invest in a comfortable pair of compression socks (yes, they do exist) and wear them to work in the winter, which can eliminate leg fatigue. Your feet and legs will thank you in the years to come. “Invest in your skin it is going to represent you for a very long time” “Here are five easy tips for getting your skin back on the road to healthy living” 2