Publication Magazine Volume 2 Effortless | Page 6

S K I N SAVE YOUR SKIN A Few Key Strategies Can Help Promote Skin Health As You Age. By Kavita Mariwalla, MD, FAAD For many of us, midlife is a time to take stock. This might include evaluating fi nances and focusing on long-term planning, revamping exercise and nutrition routines, and being sure to schedule regular healthcare screenings. This period of planning and transition is also a great time to take a look at your skin—literally. When you look in the mirror, what do you see? How is your skin faring at midlife? If the face looking back at you is not quite the one you remember, you are not alone. The good news is that it is not too late to give yourself some tender loving care and help the image in the mirror refl ect the vibrant spirit of the woman you are on the inside. 1. Develop A Consistent Nighttime Skin Routine. Remember when evenings were fi lled with bath time and making sure dinner included protein and some vegetables that everyone would eat? Well, now it should also include some time focused on your skin.Wash your face with a gentle cleanser at night and use a night cream that contains retinol. This key ingredient speeds cell cycle turnover, decreases pore size, and can help build collagen. If you have had a lot of sun exposure in your life, talk to your dermatologist about prescribing a retinoid that can help scavenge abnormal cells and keep sun damage at bay. For the morning consider a vitamin C serum to help boost the effects of sunscreen and to help brighten the complexion overall. 1