Publication Magazine Volume 2 CHEERS | Page 11

Belgian chocolate (French: chocolat belge, Dutch: Bel- gische chocolade) is choco- late produced in Belgium. A major industry since the 19th century, today it forms an important part of the na- tion’s economy and culture. While the raw materials used in chocolate produc- tion do not originate in Belgium, the country has an association with the product that dates to the early 17th century. The in- dustry expanded massively in the 19th century, gaining an international reputa- tion and, together with the Swiss, became one of the commodity’s most import- ant producers in Europe. Although the industry has been regulated by law since 1894, there is no universal standard for the chocolate to be labelled “Belgian”. The most commonly ac- cepted standard dictates that the actual production of the chocolate must take place inside Belgium. BELGIAN C H O C O L AT E 9