TABLE 1. PLANES OF MOTION AND BODY REGIONS (1) PLANES OF MOTION PLANE Sagittal Frontal Transverse REGION Abdominals Back Hips DESCRIPTION Decelerates lumbar extension during anterior motion of the pelvis when the foot hits the ground Decelerates the drop of the pelvis when the foot hits the ground then accelerates the trunk helping the leg swing through Decelerates the hips and shoulders BODY REGIONS MUSCLE GROUPS Internal and external obliques, transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus Paraspinals, trapezius, psoas major, multifidus, erector spinae, quadratus lumborum, iliocostalis loborum and thoracis, latissimus dorsi and serratus anterior Obturator internus and externus, quadratus femoris, periformis, psoas, rectus femoris, sartorius, tensor facia latae, pectineus, adductor brevis, magnus, and longus, gemellus superior and inferior, pectenius, gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femorus
TABLE 2. SAMPLE AB WHEEL MEDICINE BALL CIRCUIT ORDER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EXERCISE Ab Toss Rotation Right Ab Toss Rotation Left Ab Toss Shoulder Thrust Right Ab Toss REPS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ORDER 8 9 10 11 12 13 EXERCISE Shoulder Thrust Left Ab Toss Isometric Chest Press Ab Toss Isometric Overhead Ab Toss REPS 3 3 3 3 3 3
Total Repetitions: 39
TABLE 3. SAMPLE CORE CIRCUIT PROGRESSIVE VOLUMES MEDICINE BALL WEIGHT REPETITIONS PER EXERCISE 3 x 13 6 lb 4 x 13 5 x 13 3 x 13 8 lb 4 x 13 5 x 13 3 x 13 10 lb 4 x 13 5 x 13 TOTAL REPETITIONS 39 52 65 39 52 65 39 52 65 TOTAL VOLUME 234 lb 312 lb 390 lb 312 lb 416 lb 520 lb 390 lb 520 lb 650 lb