PTJ Test 12.4 | Page 26

FEATURE ARTICLE Figure 3. Sample Portion of a Cycling Workout LIMITATIONS OF GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEMS ON THE TRAINING AND TESTING EFFECTS OF CYCLING The analysis software used here can zoom in to certain sections of the data. This sample graph is an enhanced snapshot of a hill climbed during the ride at the 90-min mark. The cyclist can take a closer look at their performance during the ride. The information gathered using Training Peaks analysis can be used to quantify improvement or regression in fitness. Figure 4. Example “Sweet-Spot” Workout In this sample graph, the cyclist performed 2 x 18 min “sweet-spot” intervals at 88 – 92% of FTP (264 – 276 W). The program highlighted the two intervals in black. The yellow line depicts wattage, and the orange line depicts elevation. NSCA’S PERFORMANCE TRAINING JOURNAL | ISSUE 12.4 26