PTG Magazine Issue 1 - November 2015 | Page 9


Driving & Physics:

Initial Impressions: FM6 General Driving and Physics (with a wheel by PTG Tyler Ward)

Overall, this is the best Forza experience to be had.

Prague showcases some of the highlights of the new additions rather well. The cobblestones have a much higher level of detail and more prominent feel and there are sections of the track which never felt the same way before. For example a large dip after the bridge heading into the alley if you're running forward or just before the bridge if you're running reverse.

The impact of the curbs is also much more significant if the suspension geometry is not set appropriately. The stiffness or softness of the front Springs as well as stiff or soft ARBs is translated quite nicely into the steering feedback. The feeling of high versus low aero is a wonderful new feeling too. I'm definitely enjoying the feeling of the front end of the car especially under heavy braking and when the front starts to break loose.

The tuning and physics side of things has seemed to have changed somewhat since Forza Motorsport 5. My gut feeling is that it's better I just don't know how much better yet with the limited tuning I have done. Forza Motorsport 5 is actually better than it's given credit for, since the overwhelming majority of players in 5 use the controller they were obviously going to produce tunes that made driving with the controller easier.

The big drawback so far has been having to lower the FFB (and losing some detail) to keep the overheat/FFB loss at a minimum, but the new TX firmware allows for an "always on" fan setting, which I have not yet had the opportunity to try.


A few welcome changes to the leader-boards are an increased sort-able option including, Continent, Divisions, Top Scores (global) and most welcome to us at PTG, hardcore leaderboards.

The hardcore option is similar to that of however they have also declared those who are using driving/braking line as people using assists and they do not appear on the hardcore leaderboard. Like the lobbies they also display whose tune the driver used and allow you to download it right there.

The downfall to this is the order of which the menu pops up when trying to select a rival. It is no longer the first option once you click on the person's name, the first option is download tune. Be careful not to be overzealous when hitting the A button in case you accidentally download a tune and with the tune file limit still rather low in comparison to the amount of cars this may be an additional hindrance down the road.

Known Bugs/Glitches:

Downloading a tune set up bug is back, so make sure you install a tune instead of saving it. The aspiration glitch allows you to download tunes that have an aspiration conversion on them but will not allow you to reapply aspiration to the car once the tune is removed.

Replays are also a no go for photographers wanting to take snaps of cars with user created vinyls on them. In saved and loaded replays these vinyls appear pixelated and thus spoil the photograph.

Photo Mode:

As ever the photomode in Forza Motorsport is second to none, this time with added 'rain effect'. All the usual settings are there as well as the presets for the beginners. With the added rain effect you can now choose as to whether you require rain drops on the glass or not, the choice is yours. It isn't a completely smooth transition from Forza Motorsport 5 however, time needs to spent at all locations. The light in this version is slightly different to what it was in Forza Motorsport 5. Keen photographers will spot a slight tweak in exposure and sepia (if you dabble in such things) is required to obtain the most realistic shot. The settings between contrast and brightness have become heavy so care is needed with exposure to obtain that perfect shot. Then of course we enter the realms of rain and night which is a whole new ball game unless you have ventured around on Forza Horizon 2. All in all photomode caters for all walks of life and lends it's hand very well.

Photo: PTG Coops / Paint: PTG Mesasphere