PSNA YNP Newsletter NovDec 21 | Page 3


PSNA recently announced the retirement of Chief Executive Officer Betsy M . Snook , MEd , BSN , RN effective December 17 , 2021 . During her 15-year leadership of PSNA and its supporting non-profit organization , the Nursing Foundation of Pennsylvania ( NFP ), Snook has worked to ensure that nurses and future nurses shape healthcare through professional advocacy , education , and networking .
Snook in a letter announcing her retirement to PSNA and NFP Board and Trustee members , said " it has been both an honor and pleasure to serve the registered nurses of our Commonwealth ," as well as have had the opportunity to work with valuable staff , board members , and volunteers .
" Over the past 15 years , Betsy ' s forward-thinking initiatives positioned the association to provide high-quality , timely resources and support for nurses in Pennsylvania ," states PSNA President Dr . Deb Cardenas , DNP , MSN , RN , Paralegal , CPHQ . " She has been a tireless advocate for nurses through state-level meetings with elected officials , an active voice in the media , and a reliable partner through national partnerships with the American Nurses Association . The PSNA Board of Directors and NFP Trustees sincerely thank Betsy for her dedication . Her visionary leadership will be missed ."
During her service , Snook increased PSNA membership by 226 %, awarded over 150 education and research scholarships to nurses and nursing students , created YNP membership , and developed the Star Leadership Institute . She also successfully advocated for the passage of Mandatory Overtime , Nurse Title Protection , and the Nurse Licensure Compact , just to name a few of her many successes .


Be patient and kind to yourself – eat healthy , “ real ” foods . Ask questions , ask for help , and ask for feedback from nurses who you respect . Confidence breeds confidence , so play to your strengths . Never stop learning – build on your skills throughout your career . Accept mistakes and failure – learn from them and know that tomorrow is another day to do better . Change is part of the profession – there ’ s value in learning new ways of doing and thinking . Find your passion – learn , grow , and lead from there . Commit with your whole heart , mind , and being . Get engaged and involved – join your professional association and get on a committee to make the changes you want to see in the profession . Strive for balance in your life – this will extend your life and bring you peace .