P & Z staff asks for resident feedback at FAM Fest
Staff from the Planning and Zoning Department attended FAM Fest on Feb . 22 to gather feedback as part of the ongoing update of the City ’ s Comprehensive Plan branded as Charting PSL 2045 .
This plan guides the development of the City and is required by the state to be updated on a regular basis . Residents were able to provide feedback / input on the future development of the City through boards that asked questions related to residential and commercial development and density . Staff had meaningful conversations with some residents about their future desires for the City . The input will be shared with the consultants engaged to update the Comprehensive Plan .
The next Comprehensive Plan public engagement event is 6 p . m . April 21 at the Community Center .
Mobile workshop of McCarty Ranch Preserve a success
On Feb . 21 , the Planning and Zoning Department , in collaboration with the Palm Beach Planning Congress , Inc ., and the Florida Chapter of the American Planning Association , Treasure Coast Chapter , hosted a mobile workshop of the McCarty Ranch Preserve and McCarty Ranch Extension C-23 Water Quality project . The 3,107-acre preserve serves as a water storage and treatment facility to help meet the City ’ s water demands and offers environmentally friendly passive recreational opportunities .
PULSE www . CityofPSL . com / PZ