Sharing the power of innovation
The Strategic Initiatives & Innovation Team and Human Resources have been teaming up to train employees in innovation techniques designed to boost efficiency and improve service delivery . The Innovate PSL Academy was modeled after the City of Denver ’ s Peak Academy and uses the framework of " Say It , See It and Solve It ." The City of Port St . Lucie decided to modify the framework to add “ Share It ” to the method , with new “ Share It ” sessions to be held on an ongoing basis . At the “ Share It ” sessions , employees share how they are applying the techniques taught in the Innovation Academy by instructors Phillip Corsi and Sabrina McLeod , and provide support and encouragement to each other on their innovation journey , while receiving certifications and other resources to celebrate their commitment to continuous improvement .
Just in Time Café podcast
As part of the efforts to align the City ’ s Strategic Plan and the work of all City departments , the Deputy City Manager for Strategic Initiatives Kate Parmelee was a guest on The Just-In- Time Café , a podcast focused on continuous improvement and Lean Six Sigma . The episode was titled “ Innovation on the City Scale ,” where Kate shared more about Port St . Lucie ’ s innovation journey .
The City of Port St . Lucie ’ s Vice Mayor Jolien Carballo and Deputy City Manager Kate Parmelee joined the Florida League of Cities in Washington , D . C ., for its February Federal Action Strike Team ( FAST ) Fly In , where they focused on advocating to members of Congress on issues of importance to all Florida cities . In addition , the City advanced its own federal agenda , meeting with its Federal delegation on the City ’ s appropriation requests and key policy priorities .
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