Love Your Block kicks off with Whispering Pines skate party
You could feel the love on Valentine ' s Day in the Whispering Pines neighborhood !
On Feb . 14 , the City kicked off Love Your Block , a program established in partnership with the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University , that brings together City leaders and residents to revitalize neighborhoods .
The program supports projects that make a difference through improvements such as combatting litter , beautifying the community , activating vacant lots and strengthening neighborhood pride . Eligible applicants can apply for mini-grants of up to $ 1,500 for projects like creating community gardens , building shaded areas , landscaping , performing minor repairs or painting .
Communications hosted a Neighborhood Skate Party at the new Skate City at the park to celebrate the launch of Love Your Block . The Boys & Girls Clubs Mobile Club was on site , offering free cocoa and cookies , and residents could skate , play lots of fun games and learn more about the program .
The online application for the grants is available at www . cityofpsl . com / loveyourblock and will be open through 11:59 p . m . Sunday , March 30 .
Mini-Grants Now Open !
Application packages must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p . m . Sunday , March 30 , 2025 .
Who Can apply ?
Any resident , non-profit organization or business located in Whispering Pines .
How much can you receive ?
Grants of up to $ 1,500 are available , depending on the scope of your project .
What Types of PRojects Are E�gible ?
• Small-scale repairs
• Beautification efforts
• Safety improvements
• Creation of shade
• Neighborhood or lot clean-up
• And more !
WhERE CaN YOU apply ? CityofPSL . com / LoveYourBlock
Contact us at LoveYourBlock @ CityofPSL . com 772-871-5219
Love Your Block is a program that brings together the City of Port St . Lucie and residents to revitalize neighborhoods one block at a time , supported by the Bloomberg Center for Public Innovation at Johns Hopkins University . www . CityofPSL . com / News