Finding places
A cool place to visit...
Many people still think of arthritis as an ‘older persons’ disease although we
have quite a mix of ages in our group that proves otherwise! The onset of
Psoriatic Arthritis does seem to be more common in middle age but unfortunately Arthur doesn’t play fair and there are some who are affected from
a much younger age across the inflammatory arthritis spectrum.
The issues and concerns for young people can be very different too - they
may still be at a stage in their life where they are studying or planning their
careers, trying to figure out how relationships work and trying to deal with
all the emotions & fatigue that comes with a chronic disease… let alone
doing normal stuff like going out & having fun!
But help is out there - recently on Twitter I came across a very cool website
aimed at young adults called Arthur’s Place which was founded by Rheumatology Nurse Specialist Andrea McBride who wanted to create a place
that more specifically deals with many of the issues that young people with
arthritis face and questions they want answered. It’s impressive and well
worth helping to spread the word about - check it out here: