frankly, they are a little excited about it. At
present, they focus on three main areas:
First, they build awesome adventure rigs
that are comfortably at home and dialed
in for a SEMA booth just as they are taxi-
ing the family thru the bush. And if the two
rigs you see here float your boat at all, just
wait to see what is already in the works for
later this year!
Secondly, using their own words, the next
component is best defined in their mission,
“To provide a socially responsible and com-
munity based environment, for the shared
discovery of industry leading brands, cut-
ting edge products, quality experiences,
and visually stunning content while pro-
moting an outdoor lifestyle in any way you
choose to roam”. And Thirdly, they have
expanded some of their build partnerships
into being brand ambassadors for the likes
of Warn Industries, Free Spirit Recreation,
Wilco Offroad, Cascadia Vehicle Tents,
and Grizzly Coolers to name a few, while
also providing content and marketing ma-
terials for their partners. The secret sauce
that ties it all together are careers in Logis-
tics/Production and Photography/Brand-
ing that allow them to mix pleasure with
business. And it seems it’s in this middle
zone in which they have created, the ulti-
mate balance between work and life, where
these two thrive.
We all have our ways to roam and there is
no wrong or right to do it. Whether in an
old beater or a fancy new rig, the pursuit of
adventure, the outdoors, and community
is what all of us reading this have in com-
mon. It is what makes us ALL RoamRs I