Proven Overland Magazine Issue One | Page 38

Roamr: [ rohm • r ] verb walk, go or travel the earth seeking adven- ture with or without a purpose; ram- ble; wander; rove. Where one door closes, temporarily anyway (as they nudge each other while the wives aren’t looking), another opens. It just so happened that the opening door, was the beginnings of RoamR and their overlanding What is RoamR. Quite simply, it is a move- adventures. ment. It’s your personal answer to this one great question, “How do you like to roam?”. RoamR came to be out of the desire to not There is no wrong answer. YOU get to de- only chase new adventures, but to use those cide. This is the context in which RoamR experiences to show their kids the great big began and what they are all about. world beyond their backyards. They wanted to discover and seek out their own journeys, As a product of similar passions, Tony one trip at a time, so the kids can see all that and Troy’s lives first intersected at a Jeep the outdoors has to offer. meet and greet 6 years ago. Fast forward to present day, each with a growing fami- RoamR has many facets, and seems to prop- ly, they found their previous rock crawling agate even further by the week. Every time I adventures to be less than ideal for their speak with this duo new ideas are coming to young families. Not a conscious decision life perpetuating RoamR further along it’s as it were, but like many of us, this is just a journey. It’s as plain to see as the grins on new season of life. their faces that this movement has legs and