ProTeam - Module 1 | Page 50

4. As the marquees are completed, use the masking tape to place them on the wall around the room. Have the students take turns reading the marquees aloud and guessing whom the most wanted star could be. When the name is guessed, have that person write his name in the space with a colored marker. Students may enjoy bringing in pictures of themselves to accompany their names. 5. Process this activity by discussing what makes people stars. You might talk about talents, skills, and desirable personality traits (helpfulness, cheerfulness, unconditional love, etc.).     7. As an extension to this lesson, be a technology wizard and encourage your students to create an iMovie that showcases everything great about them! Allow them to give the class a “preview” of their movie by creating a movie trailer, OR allow students to create a collage in Glogster ( with words that represent them! Encourage them to be creative, colorful, and innovative! Let their technological side SHINE!! PROTEAM DREAMQUEST CURRICULUM   1-50   MODULE 1: I Can Self-Reflect 6. You may want to leave the posters on the wall for the duration of the course. Students may enjoy adding positive items to their posters as they realize them.