Prosjektledelse Prosjektledelse nr. 4 2019 | Page 36
the goals and above all the delimitation of bene- risk management, in order to deliberately pro-
fit goals (= business benefits/business objectives) voke this lighting. In the past, benefits and thus
and also non-goals. A consideration of these tar- benefit goals were often and well defined by pro-
get categories certainly helps to encourage the ject managers (in contrast to their performance
stakeholders to make a clear statement or to hold goals).
on to their expectations in advance, to commit
them even better.
Social goals
In my opinion, an example of “training on the
The benefit of the project can be defined by the job” within the framework of the project is a good
benefit goals of the project. And just as with risks example of a social goal that can be well defined
and opportunities, there is a positive and nega- in terms of objectives, provided that “training on
tive sign here. With the “Six Interdependencies” the job” takes place during the course of the pro-
I have consciously chosen the negative sign (i.e. ject. If, on the other hand, this “training on the job”
damage here) as the initial viewing angle, as with takes place in the follow-up of the project on the