Prosjektledelse nr. 3 2018 | Page 51

MASTEROPPGAVE Burke, C.M. & Morley, M.J. (2016). On temporary Karasek, R. (1979). Job demands, job decision lati­ organizations: A review, synthesis and research tude and mental strain: Implications for job rede­ agenda. Human relations, 69(6), pp. 1235-1258. sign. Administrative Science Quarterly, 24(2), pp. Cicmil, S., Lindgren, M. & Packendorff, J. (2016). 285-308. The project (management) discourse and its con­ Packendorff, J. (2002). The temporary society and sequences: On vulnerability and unsustainability its enemies: Projects from an individual perspe­ in project-based work. New Technology, Work and ctive. In: K. Sahlin-Andersson & A. Söderholm Employment, 31(1), pp. 58-76. (Eds.) Beyond project management: New perspe­ Ekstedt, E. (2009). A new division of labour: The ctives on the temporary-permanent dilemma (pp. “projectification” of working and industrial life. In 39-58). Malmö: Liber. M. M-A (Eds.), Building Anticipation of Restructu­ Schoper, Y., Gemünden, H. G., & Nguyen, N. N. ring in Europe, pp. 31-53. Brussels, Belgium: P.I.E. (2016). Fifteen future trends for project mana­ Peter Lang S.A. gement in 2025. In Knöpfel, H. & M-A, J. (Eds.). Gällstedt, M. (2003). Working conditions in proje­ Future trends in project, programme and portfo­ cts: Perceptions of stress and motivation among lio management 2016.Proceedings of the Interna­ project team members and project managers. tional IPMA Expert Seminar in Zurich in February International Journal of Project Management,21, 18th–19th, 2016, pp. 23–43. pp. 449–455. MARGRETHE OMMUNDSEN Utdannet siviløkonom med spesialisering innenfor økonomisk styring fra Handelshøyskolen i Agder våren 2018. Jobber som Prosjektøkonom for Kaefer Energy i Stavanger. Stor interesse for prosjektledelse, prosjektarbeid og hvordan det påvirker hvert enkelt individ. CHARLOTTE BRÅTHEN Utdannet siviløkonom fra Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder våren 2018. Stor interesse for prosjektarbeid, og hvordan det påvirker den enkelte medarbeiders trivsel. PROSJEKTLEDELSE • NR. 3 2018 51