and work-related well-being not limited to one tries, whereas those working in the ‘Retail/trans
sector, case or industry. Overall, the study con port/hospitality/tourism’ had the highest degrees
tributes to research on several levels. Our results of well-being. Furthermore, those working in
showed that the degree of project demand, project internal projects indicated a higher degree of
control, co-worker support and project comple work-related well-being compared to those wor
xity together explain a rather moderate degree of king in external projects. The male respondents
employees’ work-related well-being in the case of showed a higher degree of project demand and
project-based work. While the hypotheses consi a lower degree of work-related well-being than
dering the direct effect of project demand, project the female respondents. Considering the respon
control and co-worker support were supported, dents years of general work experience as well
the hypotheses considering the moderating rela as years of experience with project-based work,
tionships were not. the degree of work-related well-being seemed
to be fairly constant. Finally, an interesting ten
H 1 : Project demand on work-
related well-being (-)
between project demand and
related well-being (+)
H 4 : Moderating effect of
co-worker support on the
relationship between project
demand and work-related well-
being (+)
H 5 : Co-worker support on work-
related well-being (+)
H 6 : Moderating effect of project
complexity on the relationship
between project demand and
work-related well-being (-)
ject demand seemed to have a low degree of pro
ject control. In conclusion, and in line with the
emerging literature having a critical view on the
impact of project work on employees, our results
suggest that project exposure can have a negative
impact on employees’ well-being.
work-related well-being (+)
H 3 : Project control on work-
often negatively correlated to the degree of pro
ject control, i.e. those with a high degree of pro
H 2 : Moderating effect of project
control on the relationship
dency was that the degree of project demand was
These findings also have implications for
practice. It is not only important to explore how
project work impact the employees’ well-being,
but also how their well-being can be increased.
Over time work characteristics and employees’
well-being mutually influence each other (Bakker
& Demerouti, 2014, p. 58). The results in this study
suggests that employees’ work-related well-being
can be increased by a decrease in the degree of
project demand or an increase in the degree of
either project control or co-worker support.
Bakker, A.B. & Demerouti, E. (2014). Job Demands–
Resources Theory. In Chen, P. Y., & Cooper, C. L.
(Eds.), Work and wellbeing. Wellbeing: a complete
Other interesting findings where that the degree of reference guide, Volume III, pp. 37-64. UK: John
work- related well-being differ between the indus Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.