Prosjektledelse nr. 3 2018 | Page 49

Based on the theoretical framework presented above we got the following research model and hypotheses. P MASTEROPPGAVE Figure 3.3. Research model. rojects has become widely used in recent can be destructive to the employees’ well-being years, and use of project-based work (Gällstedt, H 1 : the Project demand is negatively related to employees’ 2003). work-related well-being. is said to foster innovation, efficiency, bet­ ter conditions for learning, flexibility, less bure­ By using the Job Demand-Control-Support H 2 : Project control has a positive moderating effect on the relationship between project aucratic control, motivation and so on (Burke & model (Karasek, 1979) as the starting point of our demand and employees’ work-related well-being. Morley, 2016; Packendorff, 2002). There has been study, we aimed to explore the research gap of H 3 : on Project control sides is positively related to how employees’ work-related well-being. lots of research the positive of project project work exposure impact employees’ work, but recently some of the focus has shif­ well-being using a quantitative approach. While ted towards the sides of it. has An a impor­ the main hypothesis considered the impact of H 4 : negative Co-worker support positive moderating effect on the relationship between tant question has been, and still and is, whether or work-related project well-being. demand on employees’ work-related project demand employees’ not project-based work really is as attractive as well-being, the direct and potential moderating H 5 : Co-worker support is positively related to employees´ work-related it seems (Cicmil et al., 2016). effects of project control and co-worker support well-being. were also included. In addition, project comple­ According to Schoper et al. (2016, p. 27) “over the xity was considered as a moderating variable. Project increasing complexity has a negative last decades H a 6 : steadily amount of moderating impact on the relationship between project demand and employees’ well-being. We conducted a quantitative analysis, based on value creation of companies has been generated work-related by projects ”. The projectification of the society, primary data collected through a web-based and the popularity of projects, lead to an increa­ questionnaire. The questionnaire was distribu­ sing number of individuals working in projects ted by leading project management associations (Ekstedt, 2009). While project-based work is said tion and learning, it can also make the employ­ in Scandinavia and answered by 136 respondents. 23 The main data analysis was done applying PLS- ees vulnerable, exhausted and reduce their per­ the first using a quantitative approach to assess sonal worthiness. Some have even stated that it the relationship between project work exposure to create dynamic environments for innova­ SEM. We are to the best of our knowledge among PROSJEKTLEDELSE • NR. 3 2018 49