Prosjektledelse nr. 2 2023 02 2023 | Page 7

The innovation was tested with a group of a dozen parents . Its positive impact could be seen immediately after the workshop . In the long term , we observed in some parents courageous decisions that allowed them to change their current mode of functioning . The evaluation shows that some parents have taken the next step in their university education , recognising that development is essential and organising their own and their family ' s time so that they have time for their own story . Some stated that they have made new decisions and changes in their private life . Most declared that they had implemented the tools in question , i . e . the Eisenhower Matrix to prioritise tasks or placed a Kanban Board in a central place at home so that the family could communicate effectively concerning household tasks . Participants confirmed that it was helpful for them to understand and recognise the types of people in the household or other people according to models such as Marston ' s or Discovery Insight . Understanding that different people , depending on their personality and orientation towards tasks or people , need further communication and motivation is very useful . Significantly , some of those who had implemented the proposed solutions in their home life reported needing to maintain them permanently in the long term . Only some developed habits and used the tools to suit their own needs . This may mean that this much support should be repeated to maintain the effect before it becomes a habit for the family . Our team would like to continue and develop this initiative , considering lessons learned , in Poland and abroad . If you are interested in social innovations that would like to make life easier for those in need by developing their management skills .... we look forward to hearing from you .
Manual activity is a very important thing . Felting and Modeling Workshop .
The program
The social innovation " Parent Manager - Platinum Scouts parent empowerment program " was developed by the Platinum Team Foundation within the framework of the project " Innovations for Human Measure 2 . Support in the development of micro-innovations in the area of social inclusion " implemented under the Operational Program Knowledge Education Development 2014-2020 , co-financed by the European Social Fund . The program was created by a team of parents , researchers , practitioners and social scientists , and the results of this work can be found here : https :// platynowadruzyna . pl / projekty / menedzer-rodzic / The program is available under a CC-BY 4.0 Attribution 4.0 International license .