Prophecies about New Jerusalem The Word of God for Vladimir Putin, the Russian Pr | Page 5

2018.11.21. fall down everywhere, for the pigs are ready to break down the hedge of My vineyard and to throw it down completely. You, the one who rule over this great people and land, oh, humble yourself and stay in unity with the ruler of the Church of your people so that it may not be any agita- tion, so that no one may go weak, and let everyone stand right for the Orthodox faith, that which is set by the fathers forever, as it is written. I, the Lord, ask you this. Take this book and read it with humility, read it in the language by which I am speaking to those great and small from the earth; read it in the Romanian language, and I will be relented for your obedience, for I am the One Who knows your secret. Behold, do not shake! Strengthen the faith left by saints! Stay within the right feasts and do not change them, too, do not join those who fill Me with pain within their human gatherings, which do no longer take after those of the saints of My church, and I, the Lord, will leave My blessing upon you. (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) Oh, Moldavia also has to stand firm in its faith. In her situation, it is to be pitied very much with longing and mourning, as over it rules a man with a wicked soul, without mercy, proud and without any gratitude, and he does not love his people on which he is set to rule, and to be a big lord, and because of his haughtiness, which he keeps growing, he does not want to confess his history, and therefore, he tramples over it as an enemy, without any thankfulness for the ancestors, for those from whom those of today have descended. Oh, I am telling you about My pain for the church from the fathers, as I do not want everything to be torn down to the ground, as it also happened over My Romania, the country in which I made My little path for My coming from the Father, now, about two thousand years ago, when I came as a Child born in Bethlehem, having been grown by My mother Virgin until I went to be again with the Father, on His right hand side, from where I had humbled Myself to come back again on the earth, to lay down My life on the cross for man, and I stayed with the people thirty-three years and a half. Now am speaking with a river of word, and I have the spring in the county of My coming, My little fish, the fish that has remained without her little wings, because of those who had envied her beauty and broke four parts from it as from communion bread; however, she has remained My loved fish and behold, I have made a cita- del of throne on her hearth, on the hearth of her ancestors of two thousand years ago, and I go as word to the nations of the earth to tell them: Peace to you! I want to turn Romania with its face to the fathers, too, (To change the holidays, to put them back on Old Style 4 , r.n.) for behold, it has not been celebrating today with a churchly honor the feast of My angels, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, and everything is upside down among the rulers of the church, who went, who went to those who want to spoil com- pletely everything that it has remained of the churchly order from the beginning. Oh, be and remain with your face to the parents, to the saints, for the saints are intercessors, and I, the Lord, will have the joy from you. And you, do as well as you can and be all the time a peace maker and trust in Me through the church, and believe what 4 Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.) 5