Prophecies about New Jerusalem The Word of God for Vladimir Putin, the Russian Pr | Page 6

2018.11.21. I tell you, for this is what I am telling you: Those who have My face in their country, My church from the beginning, with its beginning from the apostles and from the saints, they will be protected, and especially those who take care of My face upon their flock, cleansed from sin, restraining their way with sin in it, and this is how they will be protected by God, and the enemy will not be able to invade them. And now, humble yourself to receive My peace: Peace to you! The river of My word, the word of God is flowing from heaven into Romania. Take and read in the Roma- nian language My book that is for you and for the churches of your country. Amen. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Now, because I have found comfort for the wound of My church, strengthening on its way the foundation the Orthodox church, I am proclaiming over the kings of the nations from the earth the greeting of peace: Oh, pace to you, kings of the earth! Humble yourselves before the Lord, Who is speaking to you! Seek with humility after peace and put away fear, for it is written into the Scriptures that a time will come when the weapons will be turned into ploughshares, and when nations will not threaten each other with death and destruction. Oh, if I, the Lord, did not watch moment by moment with the whole power and with the holy armies everywhere at the borders, then man would go on killing and killing and he would no longer work something else. Oh, this is how I watch and I have Romania as the country of My returning on the earth as word, after two thousand years from My birth on the earth, and now I want to come with great salvation, only the people to find My gift, their salvation and My way forward to them so that they may walk in it with their holy walking, that which is expected by God over the nations. Amen. Oh, how sweet is this day, and it is great both up there above and down below, and I, the Lord, am writing Myself with it into the midst of this land. And I am also taking the word of comfort over My little Moldavia, which is still foreign from its root; however, a wise man of the country said that “we do not live in a country, but we live in a language,” oh, and how beautiful this word is, how beautiful! However, you, Moldavian, those who are still with tears in your little hearts, in your little cheeks, oh, be good, sons! You are Romania. The Romanian land is the land, on which you stand, even if the cruel man had acceded to the throne and worked separa- tion from brothers upon you, but a sweet time is coming and patience is needed, wounded sons. Behold, the feast of the Romanian is coming! (December 1, 1918, is the National Day of Romania, and on the 1 st of December 2018, there are 100 years since the Union of Transyl- vania with Romania, in the year of 1918, r.n.). Do no longer cry, oh, do no longer cry! I have you within the borders that are written in heaven, and on this great day I am sending you holy exhortation, so that you may keep your faith, your saints and your orders from the saints, as behold what a great storm wants to pull you out of your roots, My dear vineyard, Orthodox country, and its traditions from your ancestors, but the saints pray to Me, and I am coming down to strengthen the watch of the vineyard. Oh, do not forget this: the Romanian people cannot be broken apart into little pieces by the flowing waters, for the waters keep it together; they bind it, water it and sing to it, and the Russian brothers are your brothers in Christ and by the holy tradition, which the home nation, the Romanians, shook by those who had not watched once and by those who are not watching now over the nation, too. 6