Prophecies about New Jerusalem The Word of God for Vladimir Putin, the Russian Pr | Page 7

2018.11.21. I am reaching over the earth with the feast of the angels and I am saying: Peace to the earth and peace to the man on it! Come to the water, nations and languages! God is sweet. Taste and see! Peace to you, from here, from the country where I have come and from where I am speaking now, in the end of the time! Amen. And now, peace to you; peace to those who have been watching and laboring for the glory of My word upon you and upon Romania, and over those who have come together near you for the feast of the angels! And some of the angels will accompany them to their houses, those who have wanted Us and have come at the table with the Lord here. And you, My country, My little fish, Romanian country, you should know from Me that I suffer from you. The celebration of one hundred years from the completion of your body is coming upon you and you do not know that you shine from up down. And I am coming here together with the saints and I am getting comforted from the pain, which You have caused to Me because of the lack of the spirit of brotherhood, and because of the reckless spirit of division among you, which works with much lie among brothers, as lie comes from the devil. Oh, I have patience with you and I wait for your repentance and I wait for you to overcome sin and your separation from God, to be able to come closer to you and to do you good, and you are to comfort Me with your transfiguration, and do not forget, I wait for this. Amen. This book is going now over the earth and it is taking My word with it, the word of God. I am Who I am, and I have been speaking over the earth and over the kings on a day of the feast of My angels. I am and I am comforting you, those who carry out My coming, and I am strengthening you further to be My watcher and to watch for Me with love, as I am giving you My love, and I give it to you always, always, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen. 21-11-2018 Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor). You can see more documents containing the Word of God here: 7