Property Hunter Magazine Property Hunter Magazine Issue 52 - March 2014 | Page 38

/// Feature Property Event /// FEATURE PROPERTY EVENT Free Passes to Property Talk by Top Experts at the 2014 Property Hunter Expo Ahyat Ishak Faizul Ridzuan Ho Chin Soon Ishmael Ho Chris Tan P roperty Hunter will be back in Kota Kinabalu for the third year! The expo will be hel d from March 7th to 9th at the Sabah Trade Centre in Likas. This year, visitors will be able to gain more knowledge about the industry during the Property Talk Sessions which will feature top experts from across the country. The Property Talk Sessions titled 2014 Property Market: Opportunities and Challenges will be held on March 8th and 9th from 1:30pm to 5:30pm. The first day of the talk will feature four speakers include Ahyat Ishak, the bestselling author of ‘The Strategic Property Investor’ who is the founder of the Strategic Property Investor program, which has helped many Malaysians create wealth through property investment; Ho Chin Soon, the founder and Director of Ho Chin Soon Research and his successor Ishmael Ho, a property information company that specialises in land use and ownership maps; Enoch Khoo, the Head of Research for IQI Group, a leading property and investment company operating and advising in Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, UK, US and Dubai; and Richard Oon, the National Tax Director of TY Teoh International who has more than 20 years experience in the taxation industry. The second day of the talk will feature talks by three other experts such as Faizul Ridzuan, the author of the best-seller ‘WTF? 23 Properties by 30’and co-owner of Malaysia’s leading online property discussion forum, called; Dato Soo Kai Chee, the executive director of MCT Group of Companies; Chris Tan, the founder of CHUR ASSOCIATES®, a boutique legal service provider that has a niche positioning from Corporate Advisory to “Everything Real Estate” and author of ‘Turning GreenTM’ and ‘The Most Wanted Series: Write A Will’; and Michael Yeoh, who has over 15 years of experience in the mortgage and investment industry. The talks are valued at RM300 per person per day, but those who are keen to attend can get free passes by sending a SMS to 017-898 8899 with 1. 2. 3. 4. Limited seats available so enthusiasts are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible! 38 Michael Yeoh Dato’ Soo Kai Chee Property Talk Sessions 2014 Property Market:Opportunities and Challenges Day 1: Saturday 8th March 2014 1pm - 2pm Ahyat Ishak Topic: “6 Secret To Selecting Your Investment Grade Assets” 2pm - 3pm Ho Chin Soon & Ishmael Ho Topic: “Peninsular And Sabah Growth Patterns and Future Hot Spots“ BREAK 3:30pm - 4:30pm Enoch Khoo Topic: “Cock & Bull of Malaysia Properties” 4:30pm - 5:30pm Richard Oon Topic: “Tax Strategies that Property Investors Need to Know for 2014” Day 2: Sunday 9th March 2014 12noon - 1pm Dato’ Soo Kai Chee Topic: “Iskandar Malaysia; The New Boomtown” 1pm - 2pm Faizul Ridzuan Topic: “Highrise Investment – Doomsday or Boomday?” 2pm - 3pm Chris Tan Topic: “Tips To Smooth Sail The Sea Of Legalities in Buying Real Property” Your name (as per NIRC), Valid email address, Mobile number and Specification of preferred day of talk to attend (Day 1, Day 2 or both) Successful registration will be replied with a SMS notification. Richard Oon Enoch Khoo BREAK 3:30pm - 4:30pm Michael Yeoh Topic: “Going Forward – Mortgage Financing For 2014” 4:45pm - 6pm FORUM Moderated by Enoch Khoo Title: 2014 Property Market: Opportunities and Challenges