featured EVENT
FEATURED EVENT by Property Hunter
Hap Seng debuts Kingfisher Inanam
Condo Entrance Statement
The kingfisher is a medium-sized bird. This Kingfisher is a residential high-rise with an
85,000 sqft skypark.
Hap Seng Properties Development Sdn Bhd Tan said buyers will also be pleased to know Located within the proximity and comfort
continues to uphold its pride in driving and that they will receive free kitchen cabinets in of Inanam town, the Kingfisher Inanam also
delivering excellence in their wide range of their homes and free wardrobes for the early boasts spacious units, with sizes ranging
products and services. birds. On top of that, buyers will also stand a from 865 sqft to 1,160 sqft. The development
chance to win a CLA 200 Mercedes Benz. is attractive enough not only because of its
On 17 June 2017, the group unveiled their
location and its high-class amenities, but
Kingfisher Inanam’s Entrance Statement in “Some say speculators or investors are the selling price is almost similar to a unit of
a very classy event. Hap Seng has always responsible in pushing up prices. They study regular apartment in the market.
been committed to bring out the best in the market and are quick to decide especially building industry, from quality, workmanship on under-priced properties. They prey on In conjunction with the festive Raya season,
concept and affordability to ensure customer under-priced properties just like this one Hap Seng had a raya open house at their
satisfaction. This could only be achieved by which we are showcasing,” added Tan. Kingfisher Inanam and Kingfisher Putatan
the close and diligent collaboration of Hap
sales galleries on 1 -2 July and 8 July
Seng’s project team with our consultants Sitting on a solid, cut ground 4 meters above respectively. The events featured a luncheon
applied the best practices in their respective road level, Kingfisher Inanam incorporates of scrumptious Malay cuisine at both sites.
professions. the seismic designs. When it comes to safety and security, Kingfisher Inanam offers 3 tiers Hap Seng also held a Raya Celebration at
In his opening speech, Chief Operating Officer of security system providing residents with a Plaza Shell on 13 July. Visitors were treated
John Tan announced that under the newest safe environment as well as a piece of mind. to some very special performances from Joe
package, branded Easy Homeownership Hap Seng has also opted to fence up the Balanjiu Jr & Friends, Angelyca Lee, Joget
Package, interested buyers will only have to compound with anti-climb fencing. All these & Zapin performances by D’Place Cultural
pay RM1,000 booking fee while the S&P and are to provide buyers as much convenience Dance Troupe, a catwalk show showcasing
loan legal fees will be waived. and ease, a resort like lifestyle inspired by locally designed batik and pearl jewellery.
wellness and nature.
Other than the free S&P and big rebates,