FEATURED EVENT by Property Hunter
Kinsabina Group and MCC
Overseas signs contract of work
You are the brick, I am the mortar.
It was an auspicious event for Kinsabina The 16-storey condominium consists of The success of this project represents a
Group on Saturday, 1 July 2017 as they 768 units and an array of both indoor new achievement for MCC Overseas in
signed a contract of work with MCC Overseas, and outdoor communal facilities for the its exploration of the Malaysia market. At
enabling MCC to spearhead progress on family such as swimming pool, a children’s present, MCC Overseas has built a regional
Kinsabina’s Triconic Tower in Bundusan, playground, badminton court, basketball development framework covering the
Penampang. court, courtyard garden, BBQ area and a Sarawak Renewable Energy Corridor (SCORE)
pond with gazebo. and Sabah Development Corridor (SDC).
Prominently positioned to have a vantage
point in Penampang, Triconic Tower is within MCC Overseas Ltd. is the subsidiary
easy access to the city centre and KKIA. This company wholly owned by MCC Group,
development is with close proximity to a one of the World Top 500 companies. The
mixture of high and low rise commercial and company undertakes the group’s strategic
residential buildings, education hubs and development plan and has established its
eateries for daily conveniences. leading position at entire Group in oversea