Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe #PLME16 | Page 15

DAY 5 AM Job fair, Meet EURES Trainers open fifth day with short description of their experience during first job interview. Participants with experience were welcomed to share their experience too. Then trainers tackled the questions that shouldn’t be asked by employer. Later, participants created list of the questions, that are according to them, are the most frequently asked during job interview, and then trainers divided them into groups and each group had different character (person) that is looking for a job. In groups, participants had to answer to all questions from the list they created before and later present their work. Debriefing followed after presentations. This simulation ensured that participants get to know more about questions employers ask and to prepare them how to answer on the questions during real job interview without jitters. 15 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union