Promotion of Labour Mobility in Europe #PLME16 | Page 14

PM After a short lunch break the whole group visited Pugliapromozione, at Fiera del Levante. As well the participants had chance to visit Impact Hub Bari, the new centre for start-ups and co-working space. In the occasion, we attend an interactive workshop promoted by representatives from Union Pro Europe organization. Around 18.30 we came back in the city centre to follow the presentation of the project '' Summer Universities '' offered by AEGEE Bari at Veloservice, Central Station. In the second part of the evening the whole group got lost in the old city centre of Bari visiting it’s beauties using 'Use-it' map, the innovative map designed for young foreign tourists, and developed by Aps Aku Bari. 14 Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union