2 Project hunter
in the skull mask. "You better take this," Reaper handed Mark a sleek black gauntlet with two metal spikes in, one facing forward the other backwards. "It's a grappling hook," rune pointed out. "Let's get out of here,"
Rune and Reaper both fire shots at the next nearest building and jumped of grabbing the line as they fell. Mark stood there for a second then hit a button on his gauntlet. After pressing the button his gauntlet shot out two laser facing the same directions as the spikes. Mark then aimed it at the same building and pressed the button again. The gauntlet's spikes fired out with a sharp hiss. With the gauntlet suspended in the air all Mark had to do was jump.
Fallen angels
"Is he with us?" Reaper asked.
"He just jumped now," Rune replied. As Mark flew through the sky he spotted a formation of helicopters flying towards the city. As he watched the helicopters he hit the building floor hard and fell on his face. "Need a hand?" Rune asked. Mark dragged himself to his feet before dusting himself off. "No thanks," Mark replied. Whilst this was happening Reaper was looking over the city. "Rune come here, we have a problem," Reaper commanded.
"What is it Reaper?" Rune asked "Oh no!"
"Whats happening, has the military arrived to take back the city?" Mark asked.
"The airforce has arrived and it looks like they are here to destroy the city so that those machines can't have it," Reaper replied. Just as he said that a squadron flew over their heads and fired a salvo of rockets at a skyscraper in the distance. Suddenly a orange arc appeared from no where smashing into the cockpit of the lead helicopter turning it into a fire ball. A second arc glanced of another helicopter causing it to crash into another. "It's time to get out of here!" Screamed Reaper. The sky filled up with orange arcs and helicopters were falling out the sky like stones. "It's too dangerous to travel by the grapple hook, looks like we will have to go by ground," announced Rune. The trio scrambled to the stair case and ran down several flights of stairs. They heard a loud bang and the building shook. Mark stumbled from the tremor but was luckily caught by Rune and they continued on their way. As they got to the ground floor they saw Reaper dive through a door. As Mark ran through the door a light blue arc streaked towards him. The arc only glanced his shoulder but the force of it launched him into Reaper's back. Seeing the machine that fired at Mark, Rune dived through the air and rolled to one knee bringing her arm up aim at the machines face. Before the machine could aim at her Rune took the shot and hit it in its left eye causing it to short out. The machines core became unstable and exploded to Runes surprise. Rune stood up and went to check on the others but as she walked through the door was shot at by another blue arc. Rune dived for cover and looked around. She spotted Reaper who was fighting one group of the machines but Mark was no where to be found. Rune decided to join the fight and took on the second group of machines. The street was filled with blue light as the fierce fight raged on. "Enough of this fire fight!" Reaper screamed as he charged towards the remaining machines. The blades on his arms spun so that they faced forward. As he reached the first one Reaper swung low destroying the machines legs, he then span around and pushed his other blade into the back of its head. The machines skull shattered like glass and its core flickered before shutting down. The last few machines drew their blades and charged back at him. He shot the first one in the chest disabling it. He swung a left hook and his blade smashed its energy crystal. The third swung at Reaper but he quickly parried it before decapitating it. Just as he did that one got behind him and went to swing at him. Mark screamed at the machine before diving on its back, he tried to grapple with it but just got throw. Reaper seized the opportunity and destroyed the machine before it recovered. Just as Reaper finished it off Rune ran over and gave Mark a hand up. "Thanks kid," Reaper acknowledged. "Are you both alright?"
"I got hit by one of hose things but I should be fine," Mark replied.
"I'm clear," Rune answered "if you think you will be fine then we better get moving,"
"Let's go then," Reaper said as he ran of down the street with Rune and Mark straggling behind. For about 10 minutes the trio ran before getting near the outskirts of the city. "We are nearly safe now," Reaper announced "You two better sit down and catch your breath,"
"Ok thanks," Mark said.
"What's your name kid?" Rune asked.
"My name is Mark," answered Mark "Where are we going?"
"I can't tell you that yet," Reaper replied "You could still be captured by those machines,"
"I think we better get going Reaper, the military will probably shell this place in a minute," Rune said. Mark and Rune both got up and Reaper started walking towards a small blue car. "What are you doing Reaper?" Mark asked.
"Im getting us a ride out of here," he replied. "We need to get out soon," Reaper punched in a window setting of the car alarm, he then opened the door and started hot wiring the car. After a few attempts the car gave a satisfying rev. "Get in!" He shouted. "They are bound to hear this," Rune and Mark dived into the car as Reaper sped away. Mark was thrown around in the back as Reaper swerved between abandoned cars and helicopter wrecks. "We are nearly clear," Rune announced but just as she said that there was a huge explosion hitting the road in front of them, causing the car to spin out of control. Luckily the car was small enough to fit between the gap of the two cars in front of it. "Is everybody ok?" Reaper asked. Rune and Mark both nodded. "We are going to have to walk the last stretch then," Rune moaned. The team got out of the car and started the walk to the edge of the city. It took them five minutes of sneaking around machines to get there. "We made it!" Mark shouted cheerfully. Rune and Reaper didn't seem so happy. "Reaper I'm begging you don't do this," whispered Rune.
"You know it's for the best," Reaper whispered back. "We have no choice," before Rune could say anything more Reaper span round and punched Mark, knocking him out. "Sorry kid," he murmured as he walked off.
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eu. Praesent dapibus enim turpis, at la-cinia purus. Fusce dictum fringilla justo ut pellentesque. Vivamus eu urna dolor, id ultrices odio. Fusce sit amet sem
nibh. Phasellus rhoncus imperdiet .
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tur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet turpis dui, sit amet molestie justo. Quisque auctor, lacus sed fermentum volutpat, neque nisl rhoncus nisi, ac vulputate libero diam vitae justo. Aliquam varius adipiscing tempor. naeos.Maecenas ipsum purus, ultricies ut hendrerit ac, imperdiet et lectus. Fusce dictum frin-gilla justo ut pellentesque.
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