Program Success July 2023 Magazine | Page 18

National Alliance of Resident Services in Affordable and Assisted Housing ( NAR-SAAH )


Recognizing the enormity of the challenges our society faces , NAR-SAAH is dedicated to making a lasting impact through our campaigns and programs . While our efforts are driven by our organization ’ s singular focus , we spread a wide net by investing in a variety of progressive strategies . Learn more about our initiatives and get involved yourself .
Education & Outreach
Several scholarships are provided annually to support college students living in public and assisted housing communities . Assistance includes textbooks , admissions fees , transportation ( airline , train or bus tickets ), computer or technology aids , long distance phone cards , and other case specific forms of educational assistance measurements .
Independent Third-Party for Resident Elections
NAR-SAAH conducts elections for resident commissioners , resident advisory boards and resident councils consistent with regulation 964 and other local requirements . In this role , NAR-SAAH oversees all aspects of the elections to insure procedures are fair , certifies the eligibility of candidates , and gives sufficient notice to voting members of the community .
A pool of consultants is available to prepare grant applications that seek funding for resident programs consistent with the applicant ’ s programmatic focus . Upon request , NAR-SAAH will serve as the grant administrator and / or program evaluator .
Partnerships with Businesses and Public Agencies
Many businesses are committed to supporting programs in the community that assist families . NAR-SAAH identifies projects that are compatible with the expressed interest of businesses and coordinates the formation of partnerships to meet pressing human service needs .
Performance Review of Resident Services and Resident Council
To respond adequately to the needs of residents and to build sustainable funding support for Resident Services , the programs must be administered properly , have adequate internal controls to ensure accountability , demonstrate measurable outcomes , and impact families served in positive ways . NAR-SAAH conducts performance reviews to determine the extent to which Resident Services has met these standards by examining grants activity and the overall operations of the department . Recommendations for restructuring are submitted in a Performance Report along with a Resident Services Action Plan .
Promoting Objective Housing Policy and Legislation
NAR-SAAH provides testimony at Congressional hearings , participates in housing policy discussions , consults with philanthropic organizations on best practice programs , serves as panelists at conferences , and participates in the introduction of sensitive housing legislation to address the needs of its members and the families served . Note : At various times throughout the year , announcements will be posted on the website that informs the public of the dates they may submit applications for the various NAR-SAAH Foundation programs .
Front Cover Feature Dr . Samuel B . Little National Alliance of Resident Services in Affordable and Assisted Housing ( NAR- SAAH ) Baltimore , Maryland July 2023
Program Success 18 July 2023