PROFIS Design Guide: US-EN Summer 2021 | Page 70


Concrete Breakout Failure Mode
Calculations ψ ed , N
Calculations ACI 318-14 Chapter 17 Provision Comments for PROFIS Engineering
ψ ed , N
= 0.7 + 0.3
c a , min ≤1 . 0
1.5h ef
17.4 . 2.5 The modification factor for edge effects for single anchors or anchor groups loaded in tension , ψ ed , N
, shall be calculated as
If c a , min
≥ 1.5h ef , then ψ ed , Na
= 1.0 ( )
If c a , min < 1.5h ef
, then ψ ed , Na = 0.7 + 0.3
c a , min ( 17 . 4 . 5 . 4b )
c Na
ψ ed , N is a modification factor that is used to account for fixed edge distances less than 1.5h ef
. The parameter h ef corresponds to the effective embedment depth that has been selected for the anchor being modeled in PROFIS Engineering . When calculating the nominal concrete breakout strength in tension ( N cb or N cbg ), the model used to define the projected concrete failure area ( A Nc
) limits the maximum edge distance for calculation purposes to a projected distance of 1.5h ef from the anchors in tension . PROFIS Engineering will use a projected distance of 1.5h ef from an anchor , or row of anchors , to define an outer edge of the area defined by A Nc when the fixed edge distance from the anchor ( s ) is greater than 1.5h ef
, or the edge is infinite .
ψ ed , N is calculated whenever a fixed edge distance from an anchor ( s ) in tension is less than 1.5h ef
. The parameter c a , min in the ψ ed , N equation corresponds to a fixed edge distance less than 1.5h ef . ACI 318 anchoring-to-concrete provisions define c a , min as the “ minimum distance from the center of an anchor shaft to the edge of concrete ”. When more than one fixed edge distance is less than 1.5h ef
, the smallest value is input as c a , min , and used to calculate ψ ed , N
The illustration below shows how the projected concrete failure area ( A Nc
) would be defined for an anchoring application being modeled with two fixed edges ( c a1 and c a2
) that are both less than 1.5h ef , and with c a1 being less than c a2 . The smallest edge distance ( c a1 ) corresponds to the parameter c a , min
, that would be used to calculate the modification factor ψ ed , N .
ψ ed , N
= 0.7 + 0.3 ( c a1 / 1.5h ef
Reference the Variables section of the PROFIS Engineering report for more information on the following parameters :
c a , min
: Parameter for the smallest fixed edge being modeled
h ef
: Parameter for anchor effective embedment depth