Professional Sound - August 2018 | Page 9

INPUT READ THE CODE In November 2017, a group of Canada’s creative industries stakeholders committed to zero tolerance for harm- ful behaviours such as harassment, discrimination, bullying, and violence, and established working groups to explore the development of a Code of Conduct, safer reporting measures, and industry-wide education and training. Since then, various businesses and organizations have met with survivors, engaged in anti-harassment training exercises for staff and members, held policy reviews, and hosted focus groups to learn more and to move these initiatives forward. Among the many signatories support- ing the code are some in the professional audio community, including IATSE, William F. White International, MidCoast Produc- tions, Tribro Studios, and others. The full code is below. To learn more or to sign on, visit The Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct confirms our commitment to safe and respectful workplaces and to an industry free of harassment, including sexual harassment, discrimination, bully- ing, and violence. Harassment can take many forms, including unwanted sexual attention, inappropriate jokes or texts, threats, and other unwelcome verbal, written, visual, or physical communication or conduct. Everyone has a responsibility to build safe and respectful workplaces. Harassment, discrimination, bullying, and violence can affect individuals at every level of the industry. Promoting increased gender equality and diversity is one way to break down barriers and reduce or eliminate these behaviours. The principles espoused in this Code The Canadian Creative Industries Code of Conduct to Prevent & Respond to Harassment, Discrimination, Bullying & Violence are applicable to all work and work-related environments. These can include but are not limited to: auditions or casting meetings, job interviews, industry events, festivals, awards, company functions, production studios and sets (whether local or remote), offices, and rehearsal and performance venues. Signatories to this Code will lead by example by upholding the highest stan- dards of respect, encouraging the good- faith reporting of complaints concerning harassment, discrimination, bullying, and violence, and cooperating in the investiga- tion of such complaints. In adhering to this Code of Conduct, Signatory organizations agree to take the following steps as applicable to identify and address harassment, including sexual harassment, discrimi- nation, bullying and violence: • Enact policies and procedures that maintain zero tolerance for harassment, discrimination, bullying, and violence; • Designate people in the workplace to receive complaints of harass- ment, discrimination, bullying, and violence; • Provide a timely process for the investigation and resolution of complaints; • Implement proportional conse- quences for violations; and • Protect from retaliation or reprisal those individuals who in good faith allege violations of anti- harassment, discrimination, and violence policies and procedures. In implementing the above, Signato- ries will take the following steps, as applicable: • Ensure everyone in the workplace is aware of anti-harassment, discrimination, and violence policies and procedures; • Encourage people to set and respect personal boundaries and engage in consent-based interac- tions; • When work requires physical contact or scenes of nudity, inti- macy, or violence, adhere to ap- plicable respectful workplace policies and collective agreement obligations; • Provide safe places where work may be performed – for example, by not requiring individuals to attend meetings alone or in spaces such as private hotel rooms, etc.; and • Encourage instructors, teachers, coaches, and those providing training in the industry to adhere to this Code and share its princ- iples with their students. Signatories to this Code of Conduct agree to take all applicable steps to quickly address substantiated complaints of workplace harassment, including sexual harassment, discrim- ination, and violence.  Such steps may include the following: • Requiring remedial action such as counselling and/or training; • Disciplinary action (as per col- lective agreements and indi- vidual organization, union, guild, and workplace policies) including restrictions, suspension or termination of employment, and/or membership; or • Legal action as per applicable laws, including human rights legislation. PROFESSIONAL SOUND 9