Professional Sound - August 2018 | Page 17

Professional Sound CAREER SURVEY In which segment of the audio industry do you currently and predominantly work? Manufacturing Sales & distribution System design & integration Recording Live sound Broadcast Post-production Other 5% 5% 27% 18% 14% 5% 9% 18% Since beginning your career in audio, have you switched which segment of the industry you work in (i.e. switched from recording to live sound, for example)? Yes, o nce 18% Yes, multiple times 14% Yes, I work in several segments at once 36% No 32% SPEAKING OUT If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self that would’ve helped your audio career, what would it be? “Work hard, be honest, listen, and don’t be afraid to say sorry.” “Study, study, study, and create goals for each five years.” “Be more selective about your work and invest more in space and equipment.” “Ignore the ridiculous, not profitable work from the beginning. What you do has value!” “Always listen to the pros, but don’t ever let yourself be stepped down!” When do you plan to retire? Before 50 years old Between 50-65 years old Later than 65 years old When I can no longer do the work Who can afford to retire? 5% 18% 27% 36% 14% 55% are self employed 73% say ongoing education/professional development is very important to their success 32% say audio networking would be the most beneficial area of education/professional development to their career, followed by system design & integration at 27% PROFESSIONAL SOUND 17