Professional Sound - April 2023 | Page 14


Sound Future Appoints Board of Directors
Sound Future Foundation , a 501 ( c )( 3 ) non-profit organization harnessing the influence of the live event industry to accelerate and catalyze climate innovation , has announced the appointment of its new Board of Directors . The Sound Future Board comprises nine members of diverse experience and background , spanning top creatives , technical experts , industry professionals , and climate financiers , all dedicated to shaping an environmentally sound future .
The Sound Future Board is chaired by Terah Lyons , former policy advisor to the US Chief Technology Officer Megan Smith in President Barack Obama ’ s Office of Science and Technology Policy and founding Executive Director of the global non-profit Partnership on AI . Lyons has spent over a decade building and supporting organizations responsibly innovating in critical new domains at the intersection of technology and societal impact , and currently sits as an Executive in Residence at Zetta Venture Partners championing and investing in early stage applied AI founders .
Private and corporate donations enable Sound Future to serve as an independent , trusted organization . To make a tax exempt donation , please visit sound-future-foundation . square . site /. For more information , please visit asoundfuture . org .
WAVIT Establishes Speakers Bureau to Elevate Women in ProAV and IT
Women in AV / IT ( WAVIT ), a 501 ( c )( 3 ) nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering women in the AV and IT industries , has officially launched its speakers bureau to help give women a greater share of voice in the ProAV and IT industries .
Women who are interested in joining the WAVIT Speakers Bureau can submit their information here : bit . ly / WAVITSpeakers . The WAVIT Speakers Bureau is open to both members and non-members ; however , members will be given preference for these opportunities .
Organizations that are in need of thought leaders can reach out to Brandy Alvarado-Miranda , WAVIT founder and CEO of BAM ! Marketing & PR Agency , at brandy @ bammarketingpr . com for recommendations from the WAVIT Speakers Bureau .
Spatial and Immersive Audio Benefits Demonstrated by Adamson at ISE 2023
Over 300 sound engineers , integrators , and audio architects received an educational demonstration on the benefits Adamson ’ s spatial rendering engine provides to sound system design and audience enjoyment .
Featuring Adamson Fletcher Machine and a sound system employing Adamson CSand IS-Series cabinets , the event was hosted at Theatre Lliure , a member of the European public theatre network mitos21 . Visitors attended one of 10 sessions in the intimate space .
Demonstrations included comparisons of stereo source material with traditional mixing techniques and spatialization rendered with Adamson Fletcher Machine . During the comparisons , guests walked around the space to hear sound qualities perceived in various positions in the theatre .
Adamson will demonstrate its spatial audio systems featuring its suite of technologies at InfoComm 2023 in Orlando , FL , June 14-16 . Learn more at adamsonsystems . com .
Pama Celebrates 20 th Anniversary
Marking two decades of growth and advocacy as the unified voice for professional audio manufacturers , PAMA is greeting 2023 with updated branding ( including a new logo ), compelling educational webinar sessions , and other ongoing initiatives .
In 2023 , the Professional Audio Manufacturers Alliance ( PAMA ), the collective voice and forum for the leading manufacturers of professional audio products and the people who use them , is celebrating its 20th anniversary as an organization . Since its founding in 2003 , the non-profit has experienced steady growth and has accumulated a roster of member companies who conduct business worldwide in support of high-quality audio across a wide range of industries – pursuing the state of the art in technology and practice to enable audio professionals to elevate their craft and delight listeners and audiences every day .
2023 will see the continuation of PAMA ’ s compelling series of monthly webinar events featuring leading voices sharing their perspectives on various industry issues ; the separate series of student-focused webinars focused on career opportunities and other topics of interest to young and aspiring audio professionals ; the naming of 2023 recipients of the Mark Brunner Professional Audio Scholarship ( presented in partnership with Shure Incorporated ); profiles of audio professionals from PAMA member companies with insights from their unique and varied perspectives ; and contribution by PAMA members to ongoing dialogs on critical industry issues .
More information on PAMA ’ s advocacy for audio excellence and browsable archives of PAMA ’ s online events are available at https :// www . pamalliance . org /.