has its roots in generations far before us , you know , ‘ the standing on the shoulders of giants things .’ I mean , at the end of the day , even if you ’ re using new technologies , these are the concepts of photography and exposure . Those are concepts that have been figured out by people long before us and we ’ re benefiting from all that generational knowledge . So , I guess there ’ s actually a really interesting tie in there to say we get to now start where the last generation left off , and that advancement . There ’ s so much respect for everybody who ’ s come before and had to do things in a harder way , in a more difficult way , in a more challenging way . I mean , we used to have to manage foot candles so much more specifically than we do now . A camera is far more forgiving now than it used to be , but the concepts are still there . The basics are still there , physics is still there .”
Matt Bauer is the Editor of Professional Lighting & Production . He can be reached at mbauer @ nwcworld . com
32 - Martin Mac Encore Perf Cold
28 - Martin Mac 101
15 - Martin Mac Axiom 34 - GLP JDC1 Strobe 70 - Elation KL Panel XL
204 - Martin Sceptron 10 1000mm
61 - Colour Force II RGBA CFII-12
41 - Colour Force II RGBA CFII-72
1 - MDG Atmosphere Hazer
2 - Grand Ma2 Fullsize IFD Vixen Media Server
Summer 2023 | 33