Proceedings-2020_ Vol2 | Page 388

2020 | Building Peace through Heritage
Most tourists come to Krakow from Germany and Great Britain , and then from Italy , France and Spain . In total they make up over 50 % of persons coming to the city from abroad . The motives connected with visiting monuments ( over 29 %) and rest ( almost 18 %) dominate among the main aims of arrivals in Krakow ( Tourism in Krakow in 2017 , 2018 ).
Tourism in Krakow contributes to the increase in revenues , but it also affects the expansion of the tourist space of the city . Tourism concentrates mostly around the Old Town , however , recently it has been growing out of it . The density of monuments in the city centre results in spacious accumulation of tourism , which is accompanied with the presence of a significant number of accommodation facilities in this part . Frequently , monuments are transformed for the needs of tourism . In order to counteract the excessive commercial and service activity interfering or disturbing a possibility to expose the public space or contrary to the cultural tradition of the park and its aesthetics connected with it , in 2010 the resolution was passed to create the Old Town Cultural Park , the continuation of which is the Resolution no . VII / 128 / 19 of the City Council of Krakow of the 13 th of February 2019 concerning the acceptance and publication of the consolidated text of the resolution No . CXV / 1547 / 10 on the creation of the cultural park entitled the Old Town Cultural Park . The area covered in the title includes the Old Town and the Wawel Hill together with the vicinity . In connection with the document prohibitions and restrictions were introduced concerning construction works , commercial activity , service activity , advertising media , visual information media as well as storage and tipping of waste ( Resolution c , 2019 ). In this respect , it should be mentioned that revitalization of the old town in connection with development of tourism contributed to improvement of the aesthetic and sanitary condition of the district ( Tracz and Semczuk , 2018 ). The city inhabitants also influence the creation of tourism in the given area and although their activity in connection with this field is most often discussed concerning service provision and “ making money on tourists ,” they have a lot to say in the context of building the atmosphere of the city or creating its mental space ( Gaweł , 2013 ). Repeatedly , the presence of tourists brings about conflicts with the local population , often provoked by the fact that mass tourism frequently limits the use of services and infrastructure of the city by its inhabitants . The research carried out by Tracz , Bajgier-Kowalska and Wójtowicz show that the inhabitants and tourist service providers generally referred positively to the influence of tourism on the economic and social development of the city , most often enumerating among the benefits the creation of new workplaces ( Tracz et al , 2019 ). Among the negative consequences of the mass tourism development in Krakow , the inquired inhabitants most often mentioned congested streets in the city centre , limitations to the use of roads in the centre , the rise in the number of pubs and night clubs , drunkenness , public disorder and sex tourism ( Tracz et al , 2019 ). In spite of these opinions , the inhabitants most often defined their attitude to tourists as positive or definitely positive ( Tracz et al , 2019 ).
Education in Krakow in the context of the activity of Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
Krakow as an educational and scientific centre
Out of 16 voivodeships in Poland , the Małopolska Region is the runner-up after the Mazowieckie voivodeship , which educates the highest number of students . Almost 160,000 students were taught here in the academic year 2017-2018 . Most of young people come to study just to Krakow , where 143,600 persons studied in the quoted period ( Szkoły wyższe , 2017 / 18 ). Every year the number of students from abroad taking up the studies here is growing . As of 30.11.2018 8,400 foreigners studied in the Małopolska voivodeship , who came from 111 countries , and their share in the total number of students amounted to 5.3 % ( Szkoły wyższe , 2017 / 18 ). They mostly chose the studies in the field of business , administration and law . 66 % of the foreign students are the citizens of Ukraine . There are also representatives among other nationalities such as Belarus , Norway , Spain , France , Russia , the USA , Turkey , Kazakhstan , Germany , and also other countries ( Szkoły wyższe , 2017 / 18 ). Most of persons in the region study at public universities ( 85,3 %) ( Szkoły wyższe , 2017 / 18 ).