36 | SEPTEMBER 2019
Read online at www.proinstaller.co.uk
Ikon Rooflights – a
new brand from
industry leader
Sunsquare – has
brought BSI-
rooflights to the
reseller market
for the first time.
With two pioneering
flat-roof skylight
designs, the new
range offers verified
quality and unbeatable
margins, with prices
starting from just £445.
Available exclusively for dis-
tributors, the new Ikon rooflights
boast unrivalled design, thermal
performance and safety creden-
tials, with competitive pricing that
allows resellers to benefit from
unmatched profit margins. They
are also the only skylights for
resellers that hold the BSI (British
Standards Institution) Kitemark –
a renowned mark of quality.
Mark Lambert, Sales Director at
Ikon Rooflights says: “For a long
time, prohibitively high pricing
has made Kitemarked rooflights
completely inaccessible for the
Both the new
‘ Ikon
Air and
Ikon Pureview
are built to the
highest quality,
efficiency and
security standards,
each holding a
BSI Kitemark’
reseller market. This has left
distributors having to compro-
mise, unable to offer top-quality
products at a margin that makes
commercial sense. We’ve devel-
oped Ikon to change all this.
“Put simply, Ikon rooflights are
the very best resellers can get,
at a price that can’t be beaten.
Both the new Ikon Air and Ikon
Pureview are built to the highest
quality, efficiency and security
standards, each holding a BSI
Kitemark – and all at an extreme-
ly affordable price point. For
the first time, this gives builders’
merchants and other windows and
glazing distributors the opportu-
nity to meet rising demand for
quality, with a product that really
competes on price.”
The launch brings to market two
new product models. The Ikon Air
is a stylish, electronically opening
rooflight that provides fresh air at
the touch of a button. The robust,
fixed Ikon Pureview offers a clear
sightline and frameless look. They
are quick and easy to install, and
both models are available as stock
in eleven sizes, with delivery with-
in just seven working days.
Ikon Air
Ikon Pureview
Mark continues: “Unlike most
other brands, Ikon offers the elec-
tronically opening Air model as
stock, providing resellers with an
excellent upsell opportunity when
selling standard fixed rooflights.
The team behind Ikon has more
than 15 years’ experience spe-
cialising in flat-roof skylights, so
we know how important benefits
like these are for distributors. Our
pricing is another part of this,
allowing resellers to secure the
margins they need. What’s more,
knowing all Ikon products are
regularly, independently tested
to destruction and backed by a
10-year warranty, they can have
complete peace of mind too.”
Ikon rooflights feature laminat-
ed glass as standard: the safest,
most reliable option on the
Put simply, Ikon
‘ rooflights
the very best
resellers can get,
at a price that
can’t be beaten
market. They are also the only
skylights for resellers that hold
a BSI Kitemark for the whole
product (not just the glass).
Even electronic components are
CE marked by the BSI. Fully
thermally broken, Ikon rooflights
have unparalleled U-values –
incorporating polyamide thermal
breaks to conductivity that pro-
vide an effective barrier between
internal and external temper-
atures and guard against cold
bridging and condensation.
Upon signing up as a distrib-
utor for the new range, Ikon’s
reseller partners will be assigned
their own customer relationship
manager who will provide start-
t0-finish support (from stock
requirements through to market-
ing). They will be given access
to a password-protected portal
– www.ikonrooflights.co.uk –
where they can place orders, pay,
check statements and track order
deliveries, as well as sales leads
for further profit opportunities.