28 | SEPTEMBER 2019
Installer Support
Installer Support is
sponsored by Kayflow
For the vast majority of installers and tradesman; mobile work is part of the job. Finding an effective
skin care solution is often easier when working in a fixed location such as a garage or construction
site; permanent stations can be installed to provide products where they are most needed. However,
when on the move, looking after the hands to the same standards, isn’t quite as simple.
that whilst on the road or work-
ing outdoors, exposure to UV is
higher. Even when it’s overcast, up
to 80% of the sun’s rays can pass
through cloud and some UV rays
can pass through your car win-
dow. With a study from Imperial
College London finding that work-
ing outdoors could lead to one
death and around five new cases
of melanoma skin cancer a week,
UV protection for outdoor workers
is one of the most vital aspects of
skin care.
The average UV level in Septem-
ber in the UK is 4, and the official
recommendation is to take precau-
tions when the level is 3 or above.
Swarfega advise the below when
working outdoors:
• Sun cream is often the most
practical option for exposed
parts of the body. Being a mo-
bile worker, it can be tough to
make sure you have the right
skin care products to hand,
but dispenser units can be
installed with sun protection
• Choose a broad-spectrum high
SPF sun cream and cover up
with clothing where possi-
• Apply sun protection cream
15-20 minutes before expo-
sure to sunlight and reapply-
ing every 2 hours, more often
if you are sweating heavily.
Limited access to clean run-
ning water and regular contact
with contaminants and irritants
can take its toll on the skin; dust,
oil and grease are all culprits
which tradesman will be all too
familiar with. Occupational health
and the promotion of worker
wellbeing is vital when it comes
to keeping businesses running
smoothly, and skin care is an
aspect of this which many argue
needs more focus.
Poor skin condition can com-
pound this and exacerbate existing
issues, sometimes leading to oc-
cupational skin disorders (OSDs);
but it is a problem with a simple
solution, that can make a huge
65-year-old tradesman Geoff
discussed his experience of OSDs:
“It was so severe that I couldn’t
grip. Not being able to make a
cup of tea. Not being able to use a
knife and fork properly. All these
things affect the mental state of
Widely underestimated, skin
diseases are the second most-com-
mon work-related health problem
in Europe , but what do you need
to look out for? Cracked, swollen,
sore or bleeding skin are major
warning signs – if left untreated,
they can develop into more seri-
ous cases of OSD.
Skin care experts Swarfega
have been looking after working
hands since 1947, so they’re in a
pretty good position to advise on
how best to prevent OSDs. They
recommend a three-step skin care
programme: protect, cleanse and
restore. Protection creams help
strengthen the skin and make
dirt easier to shift at the start of
the day, whilst restoration creams
nourish and moisturise the skin
after a shift and a day of regu-
lar handwashing. Speaking of
which, the most appropriate hand
cleaner should always be select-
ed – use something too harsh,
and it may strip the skin’s natural
oils, use something too weak,
and it won’t remove contaminants
So how do mobile workers go
about practising this skin care
programme with busy days on
the road and no access to water
sources? Good quality wipes are
hard to beat when it comes to
skin care on the move. The ideal
solution when you are without a
sink, the best wipes on the market
even remove oil-based paints, as
well as grease and grime. A sealed
container also means wipes are
protected from contamination
when in your van or car – unlike
the oily rag you may usually reach
If you’re looking to install
something more long-term, mobile
cradle systems are a great idea, es-
pecially in limited space. Ideal for
the back of a van, systems can be
installed with protection creams,
sanitisers and moisturising creams,
so there’s no excuse for skipping
a step in Swarfega’s recommended
programme. Some hand cleaners
are even specially formulated to
work without water – no tap, no
Sun protection is another
common issue for workers on
the move. It goes without saying
Simple changes and additions to
your skin care range can make a
huge difference when working on
the move – with the right prod-
ucts, you can lower your risk of an
OSD and boost general health and
wellbeing at work.
For more information on the
Swarfega mobile dispenser units
and wipes, head to toughbs.
com or contact Swarfega at
[email protected]