Pro Installer September 2019 - Issue 78 | Page 23

SEPTEMBER 2019 | 23 Installer Support Installer Support is sponsored by Kayflow CRYSTAL CLEAR PEACE OF MIND The Ultraframe Ultra Installer Scheme is celebrating its 15th anniversary since being established by the conservatory and extension specialist in 2004. At a time when the glazing industry was plagued by stories of rogue traders, Ultraframe was keen to raise the standards and the repu- tation of the industry, while providing homeowners with a way to carry out their conservatory project with complete peace of mind. The Scheme is the original and longest-standing of its type in the conservatory sector and its aims have been clear since day one – to recognise and promote the activities of elite Ultraframe installation companies who can demonstrate the highest levels of service throughout their sales, installation and after-sales processes. Commenting on the mile- stone anniversary, Ultra- frame Marketing Director, Alex Hewitt said: “We’re ex- tremely proud that our Ultra Installer Scheme is still put- ting homeowners in touch with reputable installation companies some 15 years after it was launched. The traditional gift for a 15th anniversary is crystal, and it’s crystal clear to us why the Ultra Installer Scheme is still such a success after so many years. Homeowners are able to commission their conservatory or extension project with complete peace of mind about the stand- ards of product, installation and service quality they will receive, while installers kayflow-Advert-149.6x266.4.qxp_Layout 1 21/05/2019 13:12 Page 1 benefit from homeowner sales leads, as well as access to a huge range of market- ing materials. This includes Virtual Reality tours for their websites, access to our Anything that ‘ raises standards in the industry gets the thumbs up from us ’ unique installation and sales apps, and a whole host of other marketing help and support. It’s no surprise that a large number of founding members are still a part of the Scheme and we would Complete system with bespoke components for an authentic cast iron appearance. like to thank them, and our newer members for their support over the years.” One of the founding members of the Ultra In- staller Scheme is High Tech Windows of Cheltenham. Commenting about their long-standing membership, Sales Director Alan Aston, said: “Having been a mem- ber of the Ultra Installer Scheme since it was first established in 2004, we are huge supporters of the scheme. Anything that raises standards in the indus- try and helps to educate homeowners about instal- lation companies that they can trust gets the thumbs up from us, and of course, we have also benefitted from sales leads, marketing assistance and more over the years. Here’s to the next 15 years and beyond of the Ultra Installer Scheme.” To find out more about the benefits of Ultra Installer Scheme membership, visit: https://trade.ultraframe- ultra-installer-scheme/ or call 01200 414659 Rainwater, Underground & Soil Systems 01827 317200