Pro Installer September 2019 - Issue 78 | Page 22

22 | SEPTEMBER 2019 Installer Support Installer Support is sponsored by Kayflow CLADDING REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE: A TRADE-FOCUSSED GUIDE FROM SWISH This month, Dave Osborne of PVC cladding specialists, Swish takes a look at external wall cladding and offers some important dos and don’ts advice on cladding repair and maintenance. As with other roofline materials, most problems with cladding start with rot. We live in a damp climate and timber cladding can suf- fer badly and need replac- ing if it doesn’t see regular maintenance. Here, we’re going to look at cladding best practice. Some do’s and don’ts that will minimise the need for future repair and mainte- nance and ensure a good standard of workmanship for your customer. First of all – choose the right material for the job. Softwood used to be the favourite but cellular PVC is now the best choice for external cladding. It won’t rot, it doesn’t need painting, you don’t need special tools to fit and it costs roughly the same as timber. What’s more, it will last the lifetime of the building. Swish cladding is a foamed, cellular PVC mate- rial with an integral smooth and durable skin. It won’t warp, flake or peel, nor will it support bacterial or fungal growth. So, if you are faced with cladding replacement be- cause the old timber is past its best, what’s the best way to tackle the job. 1. Firstly, it’s best to re- move all existing boarding to get a good look at the substrate behind. If the ex- ternal cladding is in a poor state of repair, the chances are the battening behind will be too. 2. Through ventilation should be provided be- hind the cladding, with an unobstructed air path at the top and bottom of the clad area. 3. For white cladding, fix- ing battens should be good If you are faced with cladding replacement because the old timber is past its best, here’s the recommended “Swish” way to tackle the job. quality treated softwood and a minimum 19x38mm, although 25x38mm is better as these create the recom- mended 25mm ventilation gap behind the cladding. Batten fixing centres should be set at 600mm for buildings up to 2 storeys. [400mm maximum for 2 to 5 storeys]. 4. For foiled cladding, battens should also be good quality treated softwood and a minimum of 50x38mm, to create a minimum 50mm airspace behind the clad- ding. Fixing centre should be 400mm maximum. Continuity of the ventilation path must be maintained by omitting the starter batten and by venting into the eaves or by leaving a 10mm air gap between the clad- ding and the soffit. Angled ventilators can be installed at the base and top of the cladding to prevent ingress of insects. 5. Where additional damp-proofing is required, say for insulated timber frame structures or in ex- posed locations, it is advisa- ble to use a breather mem- brane behind the cladding. White cladding and rainwater systems in stunning combination Stylish timber effect cladding from Swish In timber frame construc- tion a breather membrane is essential. Where insulation is installed, counter-bat- tening will be necessary to maintain a ventilated air space. In case of doubt, Swish technical staff will be happy to advise. 6. Expansion gaps: As a general rule, an expansion gap of 4.0mm should be allowed at each board end. 7. Fixings: For all cladding profiles, 30mm, A4 stainless steel fixing pins are recom- mended. 8. Sealants: Where de- tailing requires the use of a weather seal to prevent ingress of rain, snow, etc for example at perimeter junctions and openings, Swish low modulus silicone sealant is recommended. 9. Trims: A huge range of cladding trims is avail- able. These are designed to ensure expansion gaps are covered so that water ingress is minimised and a clean finish is achieved around edges and openings. Starter trims for the low- er edge of the first plank ensure a neat, professional finish and universal chan- nel can be used at all ends, The perfect finishing touch. abutments or around open- ings. Two-part trims make installation easier when working with short-length boards. 10. Finally: Make sure all board-ends have the correct expansion gap and are properly fixed. Check plumb and level every third row as small deviation can become visible over the clad area. Also, do not butt ends of cladding boards tight up to each other and rely on silicone as a suitable finish. It will cause distortion, the sealant will deteriorate and it will soon look a mess! Dave Osborne is Tech- nical Manager for Cellular PVC cladding specialists Swish Building Products. For more detailed guid- ance, we also recommend readers to refer to Swish Design and Specification Guide and to the Plastics Industry Code of Practice, available from The British Plastics Federation. For more information: Swish Building Products: 01827 317 200